Saturday, June 16, 2012

Do not stray from the path.....

We entered Mirkwood forest yesterday, and began a whole new style of riding. Two trails, actually, the C & O towpath and the Allegheny Trail, both connected and leading us to Pittsburgh, out of traffic and covered with shade from overhanging trees. So far it's been beautiful, a welcome change from the city streets we had to contend with from Richmond to D.C. On our right is the towpath, where barges were pulled by horses through the water years ago, and to the left, the mighty Potomac river, while we follow a narrow path that goes for miles and miles, interrupted once in awhile by a camping site or well pump. It's serene, calm and a little creepy, at least for this city boy. I have to say, I welcome the change. No checking over the shoulder constantly for traffic, watching out for bolts and nails on the shoulder, or dodging large vehicles.

It does come with it's own set of challenges, however. We need to carry all our supplies with us again, there's no place to stop for food or tools. The rough trail, mostly stone, doesn't allow for coasting, and although the wind is cut and the sun blocked, we have to pedal constantly, as soon as we stop we come to a crawl. The trail follows the rail system, so we're avoiding the extreme steepness of the mountains surrounding us, but in trade we're on a constant, gradual climb, always moving upwards to some degree. It doesn't seem like much, but after a few hours it can get to you, slowly wearing away at your energy, chipping away your leg strength. Tomorrow it comes to a head, as we'll enter a 25 mile incline with no break. No one's looking forward to that one, but the reward is that when the peak is reached, we'll be heading downward all the way to PA.

We spent the night in a hostel in a city that is bordered by Maryland, W. Virgina and Virginia. Today we ride to Hancock, MD. We have to move out now, I'll post some photos later.




Oh Yeah, due to popular demand, here's me and the gate that tried to take me out. Jeff snapped this immediately after it happened, so it looks much worse than it actually is.....




1 comment:

  1. Nice! Although I expected a slightly greater amount of blood and gore.
